Dossika Kenya Ltd
Turning GREAT ideas into REALITY.
Empowering families to create income, jobs and unlocking economic potential for communities to thrive.
At Dossika Kenya Ltd, we’re always looking for ways to stay ahead of financial inclusion trends to serve our communities with cutting-edge microfinance programs that enrich their lives and that of their families.
We are constantly developing and piloting new products to create solutions for the thousands of families we serve who are excluded by traditional finance mechanisms. The aim is to serve the people in greatest need to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life.
We stand in solidarity in a common search for economic equality, and financial inclusion that includes the most vulnerable and the most remote. We seek to understand the situation of those living in poverty and work alongside them toward fullness of life.
Turning GREAT ideas into REALITY.
Empowering families to create income, jobs and unlocking economic potential for communities to thrive.
At Dossika Kenya Ltd, we’re always looking for ways to stay ahead of financial inclusion trends to serve our communities with cutting-edge microfinance programs that enrich their lives and that of their families.
We are constantly developing and piloting new products to create solutions for the thousands of families we serve who are excluded by traditional finance mechanisms. The aim is to serve the people in greatest need to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life.
We stand in solidarity in a common search for economic equality, and financial inclusion that includes the most vulnerable and the most remote. We seek to understand the situation of those living in poverty and work alongside them toward fullness of life.
Fund News!

Our first two Dossika Kenya Ltd recipients - Margaret Elibiti and Anne Ng'asike - have received the start-up capital needed to open their businesses. Margaret, pictured here with her purchased goods, has opened a kiosk selling household basics such as tea, sugar, matches and soap. Anne has purchased charcoal at the wholesale rate and has started selling it at a small kiosk close to Kipsongo Slum. The two have been trained in basic bookkeeping skills and we will meet with them next week to see what progress they have made. Thank you to all of our supporters who have enabled these two women to start up businesses!
Fund Applicant: Priscilla Akiru![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Buying and Selling Beans Capital Needed: $120 Priscilla hopes to start a bean project with her loan. She plans to go to villages and purchase beans when prices are low, store the beans and then resell them at various kiosks in and around Kipsongo when prices are high. She will use some of her profits to repay her loan, some to replenish stock and the remaining profit to support her five children. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Esther Ekidor![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Used Clothes Shop Capital Needed: $120 Esther would like to start a micro-enterprise selling used clothes in Kitale town where there is a large demand for them. Esther will use the profits to repay her loan, then to increase stock and educate her four children. She hopes that she will be able to buy a piece of land if her business is successful enough. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Vicky Atabo![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Hair Salon Capital Needed: $250 Vicky would like to open a hair salon if she can find someone to fund her project. There is a high demand for salon services in Kitale and she is confident the business can be successful. With her profits, she plans to expand the salon business and to also open a women's boutique selling shoes, jewelry and other items. She will also educate her two children and would like to support orphaned children when she earns enough through her business. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Helen Nalimu![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Fruits and Vegetables Business Capital Needed: $200 Helen would like to start a fruits and vegetables business with her loan. She will buy the produce locally near Kitale where it is grown and is inexpensive, and will transport it to the town of Lodwar, three hours north of Kitale where produce is more expensive. Helen plans on using part of her profits for upkeep of her family and plans to save the rest to expand her business or for emergencies that arise. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Margaret Elibiti![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: General Kiosk Capital Needed: $190 Margaret wishes to open a small kiosk selling general goods in Kipsongo. She will sell basic cooking items and household items. She plans to repay the loan with her profits and then save the remaining profits in an account to educate her seven children. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Immaculate Ewoyi![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Fish Project Capital Needed: $220 Immaculate would like to start a fish business in Kitale. She plans to travel to the town of Lodwar to buy fresh fish and then sell the fish in Kitale town. She will rent a small restaurant where she can roast the fish and sell to customers both at the restaurant and around Kitale. With her profits, she plans to repay the loan, save and send her five children to school. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Edina Khalapte![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: General Store Capital Needed: $220 Edina would like to open a small general store offering home goods, ingredients and other necessities. She will use the profits from her store to repay her loan and to educate her children. She has seven children so the need to start a business and start earning is great. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Sarah Asokhoni![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Cereals Business Capital Needed: $120 Sarah would like to start up a cereals business. She wishes to focus mainly on selling maize and beans. She will purchase directly from farmers and will sell in Kipsongo and throughout Kitale Town. Sarah plans to use the profits to repay the loan and to educate her five children. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Anna Nagwari![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Cereals Business Capital Needed: $75 Anna would like to receive a loan so that she can start up a small cereals enterprise. She would like to purchase various cereals from farmers and then sell them around Kipsongo market. She plans to save her profits and repay her loan and then send her four children to school. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Selina Lele![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Maize Project Capital Needed: $190 Selina would like to start a maize business. She will purchase the maize from farmers near Kitale as it is inexpensive there and will bring it to Lodwar and Kakuma towns and sell it there. She plans to use the profits to support her five children and to send her five grandchildren to school. After repaying the loan, she will use additional profits to expand the business. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Anne Ng'asike![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Charcoal business Capital Needed: $150 Anne hopes to start a charcoal business if she can find a supporter. She will purchase charcoal in bulk and then sell it around Kipsongo and Kitale Town. She will put her profits in a bank account so she collects interest on them and will use them to support her nine grandchildren. She hopes to send them to school with her profits as all but one of her children have passed away and her grandchildren have no one else to pay their school fees. Support this project |
Fund Applicant: Christine Limo![]() Location: Kipsongo Slum
Project: Restaurant Capital Needed: $250 Christine would like to open a small restaurant within Kipsongo Slum. She will sell popular local dishes including ugali, mandazi and chai and is confident that there is enough demand for the enterprise to work. With her profits, Christine will repay the loan and then will educate her five children. She would also like to purchase a small piece of land with her profits so that she can move her family away from the slum. Support this project |